Rebecca Day presents #Sirialkiller
Lost Space Cooperative present Tentacles
Join us for a double bill. Two 30 minute shows back-to-back over an hour.
This is the story of girl meets phone. The girl is searching for a connection. The phone is waiting to connect. I should warn you, this story does not have a happy ending.
Bec, trying to keep up appearances and reconnect with those around her, finds a friend in Siri. Siri is only a ping away and is always there for Bec. But is Siri truly a friend or something much more sinister? With only the phone light and Siri's voice to guide you, do you really know what lurks in the shadows?
In 1974, Earth beamed messages into space in the hope of contacting life. But the guy that sent it forgot to wipe his browser history. Since then, Earth has been beaming information unknowingly to a very impressionable planet.
The extraterrestrials who received the message have come to earth ready to colonise. Obsessed with Earth culture, they have assumed the form of Earth's most common occupations, Delivery Boy and Doctor.
Tentacle is a half hour physical performance work that focuses on the complexities of relationships and sex, the hunger for power and the dangers of aesthetics set to the sound of 80s experimental synth music reminiscent of the golden age of pornography.
Co-Directed and Performed by Aidan Rowlingson & Brittni Shaw
Lighting Design and Dramaturgy by Geoff Squires
Sound Design by Blake Howson